Adventures in HttpContext All the stuff after 'Hello, World'

Spray Directives: Custom Directives, Part Two: flatMap

Our last post covered custom Spray Directives. We’re going to expand our UUID directive a little further. Generating a unique ID per request is great, but what if we want the client to pass in an existing unique identifier to act as a correlation id between systems?

We’ll modify our existing directive by checking to see if the client supplied a correlation-id request-header using the existing optionalHeaderValueByName directive:

def generateUuid: Directive[UUID :: HNil] = {
    optionalHeaderValueByName("correlation-id") {
      case Some(value) => provide(UUID.fromString(value))
      case None => provide(UUID.randomUUID)

Unfortunately this code doesn’t compile! We get an error because Spray is looking for a Route, which is a function of RequestContext => Unit:

[error]  found   : spray.routing.Directive1
[error]     (which expands to)  spray.routing.Directive[shapeless.::]
[error]  required: spray.routing.RequestContext => Unit
[error]       case Some(value) => provide(UUID.fromString(value))

What do we do? flatMap comes to the rescue. Here’s the deal: we need to transform one directive (optionalHeaderValueByName) into another directive (one that provides a UUID). We do this by using flatMap to focus on the value in the first directive (the option returned from optionalHeaderValueByName) and return another value (the UUID). With flatMap we are basically “repackaging” one value into another package.

Here’s the updated code which properly compiles:

def generateUuid: Directive[UUID :: HNil] = {
    //use flatMap to match on the Option returned and provide
    //a new value
    optionalHeaderValueByName("correlation-id").flatMap {
      case Some(value) => provide(UUID.fromString(value))
      case None => provide(UUID.randomUUID)

and the test:

"can extract a uuid value from the header" in {
      val uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString

      Get() ~> addHeader("correlation-id", uuid) ~> uuidRoute ~> check {
        responseAs[String] shouldEqual uuid

There’s a small tweak we’ll make to our UUID directive to show another example of directive composition. If the client doesn’t supply a UUID, and we call generateUUID multiple times, we’ll get different uuids for the same request. This defeats the purpose of a single correlation id, and prevents us from extracting a uuid multiple times per request. A failing test shows the issue:

"can extract the same uuid twice per request" in {
      var uuid1: String =""
      var uuid2: String = ""
      Get() ~> generateUuid { uuid =>
          uuid1 = uuid.toString
          generateUuid { another =>
            uuid2 = another.toString
      } ~> check {
        uuid1 shouldEqual uuid2

To fix the issue, if we generate a UUID, we will add it to the request header as if the client supplied it. We’ll use the mapRequest directive to add the generated UUID to the header.

def generateUuid: Directive[UUID :: HNil] = {
    optionalHeaderValueByName("correlation-id").flatMap {
      case Some(value) => provide(UUID.fromString(value))
      case None =>
        val id = UUID.randomUUID
        mapRequest(r => r.withHeaders(r.headers :+ RawHeader("correlation-id", id.toString))) & provide(id)

In my first version I had the mapRequest call and the provide call on separate lines (there was no &). mapRequest was never being called, and it was because mapRequest was not being returned as a value- only the provide directive is returned. We need to “merge” these two directives with the & operator. mapRequest is a no-op returning a Directive0 (a Directive with a Nil HList) so combining it with provide yields a Directive1[UUID], which is exactly what we want.