Spray Directives: Custom Directives, Part Two: flatMap
May 24 2014Our last post covered custom Spray Directives. We’re going to expand our UUID directive a little further. Generating a unique ID per request is great, but what if we want the client to pass in an existing unique identifier to act as a correlation id between systems?
We’ll modify our existing directive by checking to see if the client supplied a correlation-id request-header using the existing optionalHeaderValueByName
def generateUuid: Directive[UUID :: HNil] = { optionalHeaderValueByName("correlation-id") { case Some(value) => provide(UUID.fromString(value)) case None => provide(UUID.randomUUID) } }
Unfortunately this code doesn’t compile! We get an error because Spray is looking for a Route, which is a function of RequestContext => Unit:
[error] found : spray.routing.Directive1 [error] (which expands to) spray.routing.Directive[shapeless.::] [error] required: spray.routing.RequestContext => Unit [error] case Some(value) => provide(UUID.fromString(value))
What do we do? flatMap
comes to the rescue. Here’s the deal: we need to transform one directive (optionalHeaderValueByName
) into another directive (one that provides a UUID). We do this by using flatMap to focus on the value in the first directive (the option returned from optionalHeaderValueByName
) and return another value (the UUID). With flatMap
we are basically “repackaging” one value into another package.
Here’s the updated code which properly compiles:
def generateUuid: Directive[UUID :: HNil] = { //use flatMap to match on the Option returned and provide //a new value optionalHeaderValueByName("correlation-id").flatMap { case Some(value) => provide(UUID.fromString(value)) case None => provide(UUID.randomUUID) } }
and the test:
"can extract a uuid value from the header" in { val uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString Get() ~> addHeader("correlation-id", uuid) ~> uuidRoute ~> check { responseAs[String] shouldEqual uuid } }
There’s a small tweak we’ll make to our UUID directive to show another example of directive composition. If the client doesn’t supply a UUID, and we call generateUUID multiple times, we’ll get different uuids for the same request. This defeats the purpose of a single correlation id, and prevents us from extracting a uuid multiple times per request. A failing test shows the issue:
"can extract the same uuid twice per request" in { var uuid1: String ="" var uuid2: String = "" Get() ~> generateUuid { uuid => { uuid1 = uuid.toString generateUuid { another => uuid2 = another.toString complete("") } } } ~> check { //fails uuid1 shouldEqual uuid2 } }
To fix the issue, if we generate a UUID, we will add it to the request header as if the client supplied it. We’ll use the mapRequest directive to add the generated UUID to the header.
def generateUuid: Directive[UUID :: HNil] = { optionalHeaderValueByName("correlation-id").flatMap { case Some(value) => provide(UUID.fromString(value)) case None => val id = UUID.randomUUID mapRequest(r => r.withHeaders(r.headers :+ RawHeader("correlation-id", id.toString))) & provide(id) } }
In my first version I had the mapRequest call and the provide call on separate lines (there was no &). mapRequest was never being called, and it was because mapRequest was not being returned as a value- only the provide directive is returned. We need to “merge” these two directives with the & operator. mapRequest
is a no-op returning a Directive0 (a Directive with a Nil HList) so combining it with provide yields a Directive1[UUID], which is exactly what we want.